Discussions – CreaTures https://creatures-eu.org Creative Practices For Transformational Futures Fri, 23 Sep 2022 14:11:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.10 🐍Uroboros Festival 2022: Shedding the Skin https://creatures-eu.org/%f0%9f%90%8duroboros-festival-2022-shedding-the-skin/ Fri, 23 Sep 2022 11:21:23 +0000 https://creatures-eu.org/?p=6536 The CreaTures are presenting their creative and research work at the annual Uroboros Festival of eco-social art & design that takes place in October 5-8th 2022, in Prague (CZ) and online. This year, the festival follows the main theme Shedding the Skin and presents a 4-day program of conversations, exhibitions, workshops, social presencing, AI embroidering, theatre plays, camp fires, interspecies meditations, forest walks and various feral experiments. 

The Uroboros Festival 2022: Shedding the Skin (image credit: Uroboros festival).

🐲Shedding the Skin🐲

With the 2022 theme Shedding the Skin, the art-design festival sustains its ongoing interest in exploring creative pathways to eco-social transformation, shifting the focus to internal, personal and embodied dimensions of change. How do inner transformations happening within our diverse private ecosystems – our bodies, hearts and minds – matter in the larger context of societal change? Can we, as socially and ecologically entangled individuals, appreciate and better understand our relational co-existence by turning inwards to our personal and, by definition more-than-human, interiors? How can this look and feel in the context of everyday living, working, playing, policy making? 

The festival proposes for critical reflection that to help foster eco-social change, we must embody and become a change ourselves. Through its program, Uroboros 2022 hopes to open a safe space for experimental mingling of human and non-human collaborators to explore how we can live and thrive together in the times of climate change and social segregation. 

🦑 CreaTures offerings to the Uroboros include:

🐍Feral Policy Panel (Lara Houston, Iryna Zamuruieva, Markéta Dolejšová, Ann Light, Julia Lohmann, Marion Lean): https://www.uroboros.design/events/feral-policy-panel/

🐍Design for Relating – Letting Go, Drifting, Making Shifts (Kirsi Hakio, Tuuli Mattelmäki / Aalto): https://www.uroboros.design/events/design-for-relating-letting-go-drifting-making-shifts/

🐍Interspecies Meditation and Sharing Circle (Ruth Catlow / Furtherfield): https://www.uroboros.design/events/the-interspecies-meditation-and-sharing-circle/

🐍The Feral Gift Exchange (Markéta Dolejšová, Danielle Wilde, Jaz Hee-jeong Choi, Andrea Botero, Iryna Zamuruieva, Ann Light, Felipe G. Gil, Martyna Miller): https://www.uroboros.design/events/the-feral-gift-exchange/

🐍 Walking with Feral Forests, Creatures, Stories (Open Forest Collective, led by Chewie): https://www.uroboros.design/events/walking-with-forest-creatures-and-feral-stories/

🎤🐕 Full festival program & details: https://www.uroboros.design/  

While most of the program happens in Prague, a remote participation at selected events is available as well, via online videoconferencing and streaming platforms. The festival is free-entry, only two specialised events require a participation fee. 

The Uroboros Festival is curated and produced by Markéta Dolejšová, Lenka Hámošová and Michal Kučerák, in collaboration with Tereza Lišková, Denisa Reshef Kera and Enrique Encinas.  

Uroboros Festival 2022, 5.–8. 10. 2022

IG: uroborosfestival

Twitter: @uroboros_design

FB: Uroboros Festival

Youtube: Uroboros festival

The festival is organised in collaboration with the CreaTures (Creative Practices for Transformational Futures) project.

CreaTures Feral Policy event at the Festival of the New European Bauhaus https://creatures-eu.org/feral-policy-event-new-european-bauhaus/ Fri, 10 Jun 2022 12:35:00 +0000 https://creatures-eu.org/?p=5921 The CreaTures panel discussion “Managed or out of control? Bridging policy and creative perspectives on Nature” organised at the Festival of the New European Bauhaus brought together practitioners and thinkers from various backgrounds including art, design, planning, environmental & climate policy, cultural policy, grassroot organising and research to explore porous matters of ecological politics and more-than-human worlds 🍄💭. The panel forms the first event in our three-part series titled “From Policy to Feral Worlds – framings of Nature across Policy and Creative Practice”.

CreaTures Feral Policy event explored ecological politics and more-than-human worlds (Image credit: CreaTures)

Climate collapse is forcing us all to rethink our practices, from our daily habits through to coordinated intergovernmental action. Yet to create a shared sense of urgency and motivation, we also need to establish integrative approaches to transform how we live together on the planet, which in turn depend on our cultures, value systems and world views.

While policymakers on all levels of government talk about natural resources management, ecosystem services as well as land use planning and biodiversity conservation, creative practitioners and social scientists use terms such as more-than-human, nature-cultures and feral. 

This panel brought together both groups to provide a space to rethink relationships between humans and the other species and ecosystems on our shared planet. 

Panelists reflected on how moving away from anthropocentric thinking and understanding nature as “out there” can change the way institutions work and what policies are made. Possible leverage points and spaces for translating feral and more-than-human thinking into action were also explored: parliamentary processes, national & regional governmental processes; organisational policies, strategies and plans. 

The panel was be moderated by Ann Light, Professor of Design & Creative Technology (Engineering and Design) School of Engineering and Informatics, University of Sussex, who also introduced the CreaTures project and ongoing work on the transformative potential of creative practice. 

Watch the event recording here (link coming soon)


Clive Mitchell, Strategic Resource Manager, NatureScot

Clive Mitchell is a Strategic Resource Manager, allocating resources for Nature and Climate Change at NatureScot. He’s an advisor to WWF (Scotland), member of the steering group for the Sustainable Scotland Network and is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society.

Eleanor Pratt, Climate Resilience Coordinator, Sniffer

Eleanor works for the sustainability charity Sniffer, helping communities, organisations and businesses to transform in the face of climate change, to enable a flourishing, fairer future for all. Eleanor is a natural collaborator and enjoys bringing organisations and people together to find solutions to environmental challenges. With a background in environmental policy, regulation and accreditation, she loves facilitating change by working with a wide variety of people to help develop processes which build trust, and find solutions which are owned by those involved in delivering them. She is also a nature connection facilitator, and volunteers helping to deliver programmes for children and young people to have positive outdoor experiences and find their place as part of nature. Her wider interests include listening to oddly-shaped music and being in, on or near water.

Klaas Kuitenbrouwer, Senior Researcher Het Nieuwe Instituut

Klaas Kuitenbrouwer is senior researcher at Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam and teaches theory at the Gerrit Rietveld and other academies. A consistent element in his work is the intersection of different knowledge practices: technological, artistic, legal, organisational, scientific and more-than-human.

Astrid Mangnus, Researcher Netherlands Institute for Social Research

Astrid Mangnus is a researcher at the Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP), in the department of government perspectives, citizen perspectives and behaviour. She holds a PhD from Utrecht University, where she studied the role that creative and experimental futures practices can play in realising urban sustainability transformations.

Michal Mitro, Artist

Michal Mitro is an artist and a researcher working across the fields of disciplines and media. Trained in psychology and sociology, he focuses on the nuances of everyday life as well as hyperobjects of planetary scale. In his artistic practice he translates his sociological imagination into crafted sculptural environments with elements of sound, light or electricity.

Markéta Dolejšová, Post-doctoral researcher, Aalto University

Markéta Dolejšová is a design researcher experimenting with embodied, relational ways of knowing and doing, often in multi-species settings. She currently serves as a postdoctoral research fellow in the CreaTures project; Aalto University and co-leads creative and research activities at the Uroboros festival and the Feeding Food Futures collective.

Phil Tovey, Head of Futures. Chief Scientific Advisors Office, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Phil Tovey leads the Defra futures team in providing strategic foresight in support of the UK’s environmental, food and rural systems through a combination of Global Catastrophic Risk analysis, futures narrative assessment, mapping non-linear Social Ecological System change and other speculative futures approaches

Ruth Catlow of Furtherfield: Art, Play and the Imagining of New Worlds https://creatures-eu.org/ruth-catlow-frontiers-of-commoning-podcast/ Tue, 01 Mar 2022 13:34:00 +0000 https://creatures-eu.org/?p=5959
Ruth Catlow on David Brollier’s podcast, Frontiers of Commoning (Image credit: David Brollier, Furtherfield, CreaTures)

Our creature Ruth Catlow, co-author of the Treaty of Finsbury Park 2025, talks to David Bollier on his podcast “Frontiers of Commoning” about Furtherfield’s distinctive approach to participatory art as a way of thinking anew about the world 💬 🌍

Listen to the podcast below and read David’s accompanying blog post here.

Ingredients for Change: Collecting and sharing transformative practices https://creatures-eu.org/ingredients-for-change-collecting-and-sharing-transformative-practices/ Thu, 24 Feb 2022 12:35:13 +0000 https://creatures-eu.org/?p=3662

Join our upcoming event on collecting and sharing transformative practices:

🗓 March 3, 2022 ⏰ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm, 💻online

Creative practices have a lot to offer in terms of fostering a much needed transformation. CreaTures and Plurality University Network have been mapping libraries, repositories, hubs and other collections of creative and collective practices that pave paths towards sustainability transformations and new narratives. The goal of this work is to understand the social and ecological impacts of a wide range of transformative creative initiatives and to create opportunities for exchange and connection among these collections.

We have invited a number of initiators and managers of such repositories to share their work, discuss their motivations and explain their selection and organisation criteria. The event will start with fast-paced short presentations and will conclude with a round table discussion tracing commonalities and differences in approaches, desired and achieved results, possible audiences, and seeking opportunities to amplify the reach and impact of these valuable resources. 

Participation is open to everyone but registration is required. To join, please fill in your details in the registration form and we will email you the link a day ahead of the seminar. 

The seminar will be recorded for archiving and research purposes; by joining the session you consent to the recording. Please read the Participation Information Sheet and Privacy Notice. CreaTures project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870759. The content presented represents the views of the authors, and the European Commission has no liability in respect of the content.

The Treaty of Finsbury Park 2025 – In Conversation at IAM Weekend 2021 https://creatures-eu.org/the-treaty-of-finsbury-park-2025-in-conversation-at-iam-weekend-2021/ Thu, 18 Nov 2021 13:27:00 +0000 https://creatures-eu.org/?p=5953 The co-authors of the The Treaty of Finsbury Park 2025 ExP Ruth Catlow and Cade Diehm engaged in conversation with the creaturely Dr. Lara Houston to explore the ideas and motivations for their project and for equitable multi-species futures. Hosted by the IAM Weekend 2021 festival – Plante Earth edition. 🐝

The Treaty of Finsbury Park 2025 at openCOP https://creatures-eu.org/the-treaty-of-finsbury-park-2025-at-opencop/ Fri, 12 Nov 2021 13:03:00 +0000 https://creatures-eu.org/?p=5929 Our creature Ruth Catlow from Furtherfield together with Tony Lai discussed The Treaty of Finsbury Park 2025 at the Mainstage of the Forum for Public and Common Goods. openCOP, coinciding with the pre-COP and COP26 events in Milan and Glasgow. 🐿🌳

Watch the event recording here. You can find out more information on the openCOP event here, and can read about The Treaty of Finsbury Park 2025 here.

Snapshots from an Interspecies Assembly happening live in the Finsbury Park (image credit: Furtherfield).
Hellon at the SDN Conference https://creatures-eu.org/hellon-at-the-sdn-conference/ Mon, 18 Oct 2021 08:10:38 +0000 https://creatures-eu.org/?p=3004

Zeynep Falay von Flittner, CreaTures Partners at Hellon, will participate as panelist in the Service Design Global conference (Oct 21-22, 2021).

She will present shortly Hellon’s upcoming article “Envisioning Desirable Futures – Service design and sustainability transformation of organisations” from the Touchpoint Magazine (to be published online soon but you can view the previous issues here).

See more about the Roundtable session (LINK) / or the conference (LINK).

Feral Ways Of Knowing and Doing @ Pivot 2021 Conference https://creatures-eu.org/feral-ways-of-knowing-and-doing-pivot-2021-conference/ Sat, 31 Jul 2021 13:53:00 +0000 https://creatures-eu.org/?p=2815 Our Creatures Cristina Ampatzidou, Markéta Dolejšová, Jaz Hee-jeong Choi and Andrea Botero presented their ongoing work in the area of feral creative practice at the Pivot 2021 virtual conference. A short presentation & abstract are available below; rumor has it that a full paper is in the making 😉.

Feral ways of knowing and doing: tools and resources for transformational creative practice

Creative practices have a role in mediating and supporting concrete, meaningful actions towards sustainability transformations. With this in mind: What are the possibilities and limits of the tools and resources that contemporary creative practices are using to reconceive and redesign forms of interaction between different disciplines, audiences and cultures for sustainability transformations? This contribution presents preliminary findings from a transdisciplinary workshop where the participants were invited to share their experiences of designing or using “tools and resources for feral ways of knowing and transformation” within creative practice. While the concept of “feral” remained open to a wide range of different interpretations, participants used the term in two main ways: to foreground embodied, situated, bottom-up, ways of working with organic material and more-than-human issues that require relinquishing control, and; to refer to reappropriating existing tools and processes in ways and for purposes different to the original intentions. We look at the transformational possibilities of these feral tools and resources, and their feral uses in terms of 1) Enabling the shared imagining of sustainability transformations, 2) Proposing concrete actions toward sustainability transformations, and 3) Expanding meanings and feelings.

CreaTures at Transformation Conference 2021 https://creatures-eu.org/creatures-at-transformation-conference-2021/ Thu, 17 Jun 2021 07:01:00 +0000 https://creatures-eu.org/?p=2967

Our creatures Cristina Ampatzidou and Lara Houston participated at the Transformation Conference 2021 (June 17-18). See the following links to follow their fantastic contributions:

  • Cristina & Lara’s workshop: Mapping transformative entanglements in creative practice (LINK)
  • Cristina’s live Q&A session: Arts and creative practices (LINK)
  • Cristina’s presentation: Mapping instances of Co-evolution in the Commonspoly game actor network (LINK)
Anab Jain at (re)programming https://creatures-eu.org/anab-jain-at-reprogramming/ Mon, 10 May 2021 06:16:00 +0000 https://creatures-eu.org/?p=2251
Screenshot of the YouTube

CreaTures partner Anab Jain from Superflux had a discussion at (re)programming: Interdependence Post-Human Politics with the following guests:

  • Saša Spačal is a post-media artist working at the intersection of research into living systems, contemporary and sound art.
  • Anja Planišček is an associate professor at Ljubljana’s Faculty of Architecture and a practicing architect. Her focus is architecture of social engagement, international development cooperation and humanitarian aid, housing politics, socialization and promotion of architecture, Slovenian architecture in the period of socialism.
  • Špela Petrič is a new media artist and former scientific researcher. Her practice is a composite of natural sciences, wet media and performance. Much of her recent work has focused on plant life.

See more at (re)programming: https://aksioma.org/reprogramming/interdependence/

CreaTures Plenary Meeting – March 2021 https://creatures-eu.org/creatures-plenary-meeting-march-2021/ Fri, 12 Mar 2021 18:38:53 +0000 https://creatures-eu.org/?p=1309 The CreaTures came together for a 3-day plenary session to talk about all the CreaTurely things done in the year 2020 (and what a year it was). Despite the troubles we have all been facing, our work together on the project has been nourishing, care-full, in rhythm 🌊.

At the plenary, we welcomed four new CreaTures on board: Agnieszka Pokrywka, Isabel Beavers and Amira Hanafi who are working on their Feral experimental productions, and Eva Tausig who has recently joined the Superflux crew. We had a farewell party with Kit Braybrooke, which was not really a farewell party, because we refuse to say bye and will always stay connected – “once a CreaTure, always a CreaTure” (the party really was really an excuse to have a pistachio cake, that’s all).

We shared our observations and findings from the work done so far, but also our stone talismans, water kefirs, bouncing balls, stuffed toys, future cones of hug-possibilities, postcards from the future-past, and other artifacts capturing what CreaTures is to us. DJ Frazzle Mama played her beats; Felipe came dressed as a potato and danced like crazy.

Everybody danced along.

What a fantastic bunch of creatures! We will be sharing more updates about our experimental productions, observatory cases, engagement events and evaluation insights, as they come along ✨✨✨.

CreaTures project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870759. The content presented represents the views of the authors, and the European Commission has no liability in respect of the content.

Ann Light at the Society>Tech Initiative https://creatures-eu.org/ann-light-at-the-societytech-initiative/ Tue, 02 Mar 2021 07:29:00 +0000 Tech]]> https://creatures-eu.org/?p=2282 Tech Initiative is about developing more effective and socially useful approaches to technology innovation. This initiative links three academics from the University of Sussex with tech entrepreneurs. It is designed to look at how social science research can help tech innovators move beyond models that assume that if tech receives investment and market share, then it is…]]>
Society>Tech Initiative Poster

Society>Tech Initiative is about developing more effective and socially useful approaches to technology innovation. This initiative links three academics from the University of Sussex with tech entrepreneurs. It is designed to look at how social science research can help tech innovators move beyond models that assume that if tech receives investment and market share, then it is automatically socially useful. 

In this 3-month programme between Jan and March 2021, a number of events were organized. In particular, Ann Light had a discussion with Ann Longley (Founder of Something New Together) on the topic of Designs to Reshape Humanity.

How can design and design practices be re-thought to centre on social and environmental justice?

See the whole programme: https://www.wiredsussex.com/initiative/1309731/societytech?fbclid=IwAR3RE2zF9fGUoe9MFznX3hMv-c5wGX8YTkAOCySgnpqtDtPPosLrAHmrJ2U

CreaTures @Cultural Adaptations https://creatures-eu.org/creatures-cultural-adaptations/ Thu, 25 Feb 2021 15:11:51 +0000 https://creatures-eu.org/?p=1072 Our CreaTures chief Tuuli Mattelmäki will be joining the Cultural Adaptations conference to talk about creative work in the climate change adaptation space 🌱.

Thursday March 4th, 3:15pm CET – Transforming Europe’s Adaptation panel held together with Gillian Dick [Connecting Nature / ICLEI] and Gemma Lawrence [Clyde Rebuilt / Creative Carbon Scotland].

Come along to join the discussion!

CreaTures project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870759. The content presented represents the views of the authors, and the European Commission has no liability in respect of the content.

Art in a Post-Covid World https://creatures-eu.org/art-in-a-post-covid-world/ Mon, 30 Nov 2020 15:52:08 +0000 https://creatures-eu.org/?p=516 Our CreaTure Jaz Choi (@jaz_off) talked at the MTALKS- EXPERIMENTAL FUTURES: ART IN A POST-COVID WORLD panel exploring the challenges, changes and speculative possibilities of art practice in a post-Covid world.

👉 The online panel took place on November 29th, 2020 and you can watch the recording here:

CreaTures project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870759. The content presented represents the views of the authors, and the European Commission has no liability in respect of the content.

FREAKTION BAR #13: reProductive Narratives https://creatures-eu.org/freaktion-bar-13-reproductive-narratives/ Thu, 26 Nov 2020 18:20:00 +0000 https://creatures-eu.org/?p=215 Artists Maja Smrekar(@Vuvalini42) and Gjino Šutić with Margherita Pevere (@margheritapvr) discussed the reProductive Narratives, one of the experimental productions that the CreaTures at Kersnikova are conspiring at!

The event was held online, on the 26th of November 2020.
See more information about the Freaktion Bar event and long-term program.

👇You can watch the event recording below 👇

CreaTures project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870759. The content presented represents the views of the authors, and the European Commission has no liability in respect of the content.

CreaTures Panel @Helsinki Design Week 2020 https://creatures-eu.org/creatures-panel-helsinki-design-week-2020/ Wed, 30 Sep 2020 11:57:00 +0000 https://creatures-eu.org/?p=408 The CreaTures organised a panel discussion about the potential of creative arts practices in driving socio-ecological transformations, inviting five fantastic panelists to share experiences from their creative art/design research and practice.

The panel took place on 9. September 2020, online – recording is available below

🌿 Panelists:

Saija Hollmen, Vice Dean of Art and Creative Practices, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture (Aalto ARTS)

Pirjo Kääriäinen, Associate Professor in Design and Materialities, Aalto ARTS

Julia Lohmann, Professor of Practice in Contemporary Design, Aalto ARTS

Kirsikka Vaajakallio, Lead Service Designer, Hellon

Ali Akbar Mehta, Artistic Director, Museum of Impossible Forms

Moderated by Markéta Dolejšová and Namkyu Chun (Postdoctoral Researchers at CreaTures, Aalto ARTS)

Thanks Helsinki Design Week for having us 💚

CreaTures project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870759. The content presented represents the views of the authors, and the European Commission has no liability in respect of the content.
