
Yarmouth Springs Eternal in FOLKFeatures



In 2020, during Lockdown, I really struggled when most of my freelance income was wiped out. I was also acutely aware that I was lucky to have access to a private garden and live close to green spaces and the local beach here in Gorleston-on-sea, over the bridge from Great Yarmouth town centre. Spending time in nature didn’t ‘solve’ my problems, but it helped me to centre myself to be able to better manage my own situation.


Genevieve Rudd of the Yarmouth Springs Eternal ExP spoke to FOLKFeatures about the community arts, walking and nature project which celebrates overlooked and everyday experiences of nature, challenges the definition of what ‘nature’ means and recognises the inequality of access to green and natural spaces. 💬🌳

Read the whole interview here.