

Articles published post-project (2023 onwards)

Light, A., Choi, J.Hj., Houston, L. Botero A. Enacting Entanglement: CreaTures, Socio-Technical Collaboration and Designing a Transformative Ethos. Comput Supported Coop Work  (2024).

Dolejšová, M., Botero, A., Choi, H-j. J., Mitro, M., Pokrywka, A., Mattelmäki, T. and Chewie, Š. (2024). Feral Experiments in CreaTures Co-Laboratory. Research in Arts and Education, 2024(1), 25–40.

Choi, J.H-j., Botero, A., Dolejšová, M. & Sleigh, L. (2024). Messy, Entangled, and Shapeshifting: Feral Mapping. International Journal of Cartography. DOI: 10.1080/23729333.2023.2297444

Vervoort, J.M., Smeenk, T., Zamuruieva, I., Reichelt, L., van Veldhoven, M., Rutting, L., Light, A., Houston, L., Wolstenholme, R., Dolejšová, M., Jain, A., Ardern, J., Catlow, R., Vaajakallio, K., Falay, Z., Putrle-Srdić, J., Lohmann, J., Moossdorff, C., Mattelmäki, T., Ampatzidou, C., Choi, H-j. J., Botero, A., Thompson, K.A., Torrens, J., Lane, R., Mangnus, A. (2024). 9 Dimensions for evaluating how art and creative practice stimulate societal transformations. Ecology & Society, 29(1), Article 29. DOI: 10.5751/ES-14739-290129 

Dolejšová, M., Botero, A., Choi, J.H.-j. & Chewie (2023). Open Forest: Walking-with Feral Stories, Creatures, Data. In: Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. The International Venue on Practice-centered Computing on the Design of Cooperation Technologies.

Other publications (2023 onwards)

Dolejšová, M., Botero, A., Choi, J.H.-j. & Chewie (2023). Reimagining forest relationships through walking and forest stories. Sustainability Science Days 2023 (abstract), University of Helsinki 

Dolejšová, M., Botero, A., Mattelmäki, T. (2023). CreaTures Laboratory: Experimental Contributions to Sustainability-oriented Cultural Transformations. Sustainability Science Days 2023 (abstract), University of Helsinki 

Hakio, K. (2023). Turning Inwards in Transformative Co-Design – Cultivating the Interconnectedness of Internal and External Change. Aalto University publication series DOCTORAL THESES, 109/2023

2022 Published articles

Ampatzidou, C., Dolejšová, M., Choi, J. H-j. and Botero, A. (2022). Feral Ways Of Knowing And Doing: Tools And Resources For Transformational Creative Practice. In Proceedings of the 2021 Pivot Conference: Dismantling Reassembling – Tools for Alternative Futures. OCAD University, July 22-23, 2021. DOI: 

Ampatzidou, C., Vervoort, J., von Flittner, Z. F., & Vaajakallio, K. (2022). New Insights, New Rules: What Shapes the Iterative Design of an Urban Planning Game?. Urban Planning7(2).

Botero, A., Dolejšová, M., Choi, J. H-j. and Ampatzidou, C. (2022). Open Forest: Walking with Forests, Stories, Data, and Other Creatures. interactions 29 (1) 48–53.

Chun N. (2022). Centring relationships more than humans and things: Translating design through the culture of the Far East. Miettinen, S. et al (eds)Artistic Cartography and Design Explorations Towards the Pluriverse. Routledge Advances in Art and Visual Studies. DOI: 10.4324/9781003285175-15 

Dolejšová, M., Choi, J.H-j., Botero, A. and Ampatzidou, C. (2022). Open Forest: Data, Stories, and Walking-With. In Participatory Design Conference 2022: Volume 2 (PDC 2022 Vol. 2), August 19–September 01, 2022, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. ACM, New York, NY, USA.

Dolejšová, M., Wilde, D., Davis, H. and Altarriba Bertran, F. (2022). Feasting on Participatory Methodologies for Regenerative Food Transitions. In Participatory Design Conference 2022: Volume 2 (PDC 2022 Vol. 2), August 19–September 01, 2022, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. ACM, New York, NY, USA.

Flittner, Z.v.F., Gaziulusoy, I., Nielsen, S. and Marttila, S. (2022). Design for Sustainability Transitions: Reflections on Practice. Cuaderno Journal special issue on Transition Design 2022, pp 159-181. DOI:

Hakio, K., Dolejšová, M., Mattelmäki, T., Choi, J.H-j. and Ampatzidou, C. (2022). Following Seals and Dogs: Experimenting with Personal Dimensions of Transformative Design. In Participatory Design Conference 2022: Volume 2 (PDC 2022 Vol. 2), August 19–September 01, 2022, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages. 

Houston, L., Light, A. & Thornton, C. (2022) The Richness of Designing for Eco-Social Change – Creative Practice, Transformative Futures and Living Within Limits. LIMITS 2022.

Jaakkola, N. M., Meeri, K., Hakio, K., Wolff, L. A., Mattelmäki, T., & Friman, M. (2022). Becoming self-aware: How do self-awareness and transformative learning fit in the sustainability competency discourse?. In Frontiers in education.

Light A. (2022). Ecologies of Subversion: Troubling Interaction Design for Climate Care. interactions 29 (1) 34–38.

Light, A., Gray, C.M., Lindström, K., Forlano, L., Lockton, D., and Speed, C. (2022) Designing transformative futures. In Lockton, D., Lenzi, S., Hekkert, P., Oak, A., Sádaba, J., Lloyd, P. (eds.), DRS2022: Bilbao, 27 June – 3 July, Bilbao, Spain.

Van Beek, L., Milkoreit, M., Prokopy, L., Reed, J. B., Vervoort, J., Wardekker, A., & Weiner, R. (2022). The effects of serious gaming on risk perceptions of climate tipping points. Climatic Change170(3), 1-23.

Vervoort, J., Mangnus, A., McGreevy, S., Ota, K., Thompson, K., Rupprecht, C., Tamura, N., Moossdorff, C., Spiegelberg, M., and Kobayashi, M. (2022). Unlocking the Potential of Gaming for Anticipatory Governance. Earth System Governance 11: 100130.

Vervoort, J. M., Milkoreit, M., van Beek, L., Mangnus, A. C., Farrell, D., McGreevy, S. R., … & Huber, M. (2022). Not just playing: The politics of designing games for impact on anticipatory climate governance. Geoforum.

2022 Other publications

CreaTures (2022). CreaTures Co-Laboratory Catalogue. Edited by Markéta Dolejšová.  

Coenen-Rowe, L. and Heim, W. (2022). Arts and Culture at COP26. Report by Creative Carbon Scotland, commissioned by CreaTures.

Jain, A. (2022). To doubt, to question, to say ‘enough’. An emergent lexicon for critical activism. Reimagining Economic Possibilities – Civic Square.

Jain, A. and Sarsa, H. (2022). In practice: Superflux. The Architecture Review.

Lawrence, G. and Hall, E. (2022). Transforming Futures through Place-based Creative Practices: How eco-social change can be fostered in place. Report by Creative Carbon Scotland, commissioned by CreaTures.

Light, A. and Jennings, H. (2022). Performing Transformation for Liveable Futures: GLAM in Action: CreaTures/Happy Museum pointers to making change from the cultural sector.

2021 Published articles

A Feeding Food Futures Initiative (2022). More-Than-Human Food Futures Cookbook — A Feeding Food Futures Initiative. Edited by Dolejšová, M., van Gaalen, S., Wilde, D., Davis, H, & Altarriba Bertran, F. Aalto University publication series ART + DESIGN + ARCHITECTURE, 3/2022. ISBN: 978-952-64-0843-9, ISSN: 1799-4861

Dolejšová, M., Ampatzidou, C., Houston, L., Light, A., Botero, A., Choi, J. H-j., Wilde, D., Altarriba Bertran, F., Davis, H., Gil, F., and Catlow, R. (2021). Designing for Transformative Futures: Creative Practice, Social Change and Climate Emergency. In Creativity and Cognition (C&C ’21), June 22, 23, 2021, Virtual Event, Italy. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 9 pages.

Dolejšová, M. & Hámošová, L. (2021). Designing in Troubling Times: Experimental Engagements with Socio-Ecological Challenges at the Uroboros Festival. In M. Christensen, R. Michel & W. Jonas (Ed.), NERD – New Experimental Research in Design 2 (pp. 36-52). Berlin, Boston: Birkhäuser.

Hakio, K. (2021). The New Paradigm Is Already Here: The Practicing of Prototypes of Future through Vertical Alignment. Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change1(2), 73-94. DOI:

Thornton, C. Wallis, L. & Furtherfield. (2021). The Hologram: Collective health as really beautiful artwork. ACM Interactions 28(1).

Wilde, D.*, Dolejšová, M.*, van Gaalen, S., Altarriba Bertran, F., Davis, H. & Raven, P.G. (2021). Troubling the Impact of Food Future Imaginaries. Proceedings of the 2021 Nordic Design Research Conference (NORDES). Proceedings of the 2021 Nordic Design Research Conference, No 9 (2021): NORDES 2021: MATTERS OF SCALE, ISSN 1604-9705, pp.115-124. *co-first authors

2021 Other publications

Dolejšová, M., van Gaalen S., Wilde, D., Davis, H. & Altarriba Bertran, F. (2021). More-than-Human Food Futures Cookbook. RRI Tools collection.

Jain, A. and Ardern, J. (2021). We are more than human. In Dezeen. 

Vaajakallio, K. Falay von Flittner, Z., Nielsen, S. & Pyyluoma, A. (2021). Envisioning Desirable Futures. Service Design and Sustainability Transformation of Organisations. Touchpoint Magazine, Vol. 12 No. 3, October 2021

2020 Published articles (alphabetical)

Choi, J. H. & Light. A. (2020). ‘The co-‘: Feminisms, Power and Research Cultures: A Dialogue. interactions 27(6). 

Davis, H., Wilde, D., Altarriba Bertran, F. & Dolejšová, M. (2020). Fantastic(e)ating Food Futures: Reimagining Human Food Interactions. DIS ’20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 377-380.

Dolejšová, M., van Gaalen, S., Wilde, D., Raven, P. G., Heitlinger, S. & Light, A. (2020). Designing with More-than-Human Food Practices for Climate Resilience. DIS ’20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 381-384. 

Dolejšová, M.*, Wilde, D.*, Altarriba Bertran, F. & Davis, H. (2020). Disrupting (More-than-) Human-Food Interaction: Experimental Design, Tangibles and Food-Tech Futures. DIS’20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 993-1004. *co-first authors

2020 Other publications

Catlow, R. And Diem, C. (2020). The Treaty of Finsbury Park 2025 (concept paper)

Chun, N. (2020). Critical Notes on Designing Fashion: The Ironic Relationship Between Authorship and Responsibility. Catalogue of the Art of Research conference, Finland, 7, 77-78.

Houston, L., Light, A. & Braybrooke, K. (2020). How are Environmentally Engaged Arts and Cultural Organisations Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic? CreaTures: Creative Practices for Transformational Futures, Rapid Response Working Paper v1.0