
Open Forest: Walking with Sipoonkorpi



An experimental forest walk guided by Marko Leppänen & Adela Pajunen, together with the Open Forest Collective.

When & where: ! The walk is rescheduled for Thursday, October 21st, 9:30am -12pm EEST, because of weather troubles 🌧️🌧️🌧️ ! The walk takes place in the Sipoonkorpi National Park (you can attend on-site or remotely via Zoom).

// originally: Wednesday, October 20th, 2021, 2:45 – 5:15 pm EEST //

Forest – or metsä, in Finnish – is a place of refuge, myths and sacredness, a way of understanding oneself and others, as well as a standard canvas for industrial extraction of natural materials. Led by a desire to better understand the complex, entangled forest ecosystems as well as the creatures that live in and around them, the Open Forest Collective initiated a series of experimental walks through various forests.

This October, we are going to walk through, in and with a patch of forest in the Sipoonkorpi National Park (Helsinki region, Finland).

Join us for a hybrid (live/online) walk guided by geographer Marko Leppänen and biologist Adela Pajunen, authors of the Terveysmetsä (Health Forest) project – a forest therapy model that has been incorporated into the official healthcare system in several districts in Finland. During the walk, we will observe the local forest creatures, plunge our faces in a moss carpet, listen, and co-create new forest stories. 

How to participate:

The live physical walk will take approximately 2.5 hours, starting at 9:30am EEST – we will meet at Länsitie 237, 04130 Sipoo (reachable by public transport, we also have a car with free seats – let us know at Participation in a shorter, 30 min part of the walk is also possible remotely via Zoom, from 9:45am to 10:15am EEST.

If you wish to attend (live or online), please register HERE (spaces are limited).

The walk is free of charge and will be recorded for the purposes of Open Forest Collective’s research. If you plan to join us physically, make sure to wear solid shoes and warm, waterproof clothing, and bring some water and snacks (the organisers appreciate especially the last item 🍎 🥪 🍫 ).