
Movement, Time, and Space, Two Ways [Interactions Mag]



Our CreaTure Jaz Choi together with @annegalloway co-wrote a reflection on global mobilities in the time of Covid-19:

“We both believe that radical change must start with the self, and that we are not singular but holobionts, a coalescence of animals and other living things. In this column, we have both responded to the matter of global mobilities from the perspective of our everyday lives, focusing on what time and movement mean to each of us now.”

Full text of the Movement, Time, and Space, Two Ways is available in the the ACM Interactions magazine.

Join the conversation:  #GlobalMobilities #LocalMovements #TheCo #InteractionsMag

CreaTures project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870759. The content presented represents the views of the authors, and the European Commission has no liability in respect of the content.