
Last chance to see CreaTures at Cooler Planet!



🗓 Tuesday, 11th October, 2022, 12:00-13:00 

📍Aalto Otaniemi Campus, Espoo, Finland (Väre | Floor 2, FK lobby)

Join us for one last look at the CreaTures exhibition at Designs for a Cooler Planet, before it’s taken down on October 12th. 

The CreaTures Research Assistants will be hosting a guided tour of the 7 experimental productions on display which explore the place of creative practice in moving towards eco-social sustainability.

The 7 CreaTures experimental productions featured at the exhibition are:

🌲 Open Forest

🍽 Experimental Food Design for Sustainable Futures

🔮 Nocturne

🃏 Sustainable Futures Game

🦠 Cyano Automaton

🌊 Baltic Sea Lab

🎧 Pixelache

🦠 🦠 Arrive early and get your hands on some free spirulina to grow your very own cyanobacteria friends 🦠 🦠

Please register your interest by emailing