Feminist Economics – CreaTures https://creatures-eu.org Creative Practices For Transformational Futures Sun, 12 Feb 2023 01:07:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.10 The Hologram https://creatures-eu.org/productions/the-hologram/ Wed, 10 Mar 2021 19:40:00 +0000 https://creatures-eu.org/?post_type=productions&p=229 The Hologram is a mythoreal viral distribution system for non-expert healthcare, practiced from couches around the world. The premise is simple: three people – the ‘Triangle’ – meet on a regular basis, digitally or in person, to focus on the physical, mental and social health of a fourth – the ‘Hologram’. The Hologram, in turn, teaches these listeners how to give and also receive care. When they are ready, the Hologram will support them to each set up their own triangle, and so the system expands.

Three people – the ‘Triangle’ – meet on a regular basis to focus on the physical, mental and social health of a fourth – the ‘Hologram’ (image credit: Cassie Thornton).

This social technology is based on the experimental care models developed in the Social Solidarity Clinics in Greece during the height of the financial and migration crisis. The result of The Hologram process is the construction of a robust multidimensional health network, collectively-oriented social practices, and trust that can outlive capitalism.

The Hologram’s protocol ensures that all caretakers are cared for, and regards properly supporting someone else’s well-being as therapeutic in itself. As the racist, capitalist and patriarchal world crumbles around us, participants are invited to design long-lasting systems for support and solidarity that can ensure that our species can outlast the ongoing social, economic and planetary emergencies.

The Hologram social technology for p2p healthcare (image credit: Cassie Thornton).

The project aims to enact a functional system for non-expert healthcare based on mutualistic support and solidarity that works towards a speculative post-capitalist future where peer cooperation is an essential value. It aims to foster people’s personal transformations within small groups through a peer-to-peer healthcare system and enable the system’s viral proliferation in broader social and geographical contexts.

The Hologram Course

Within the CreaTures context, The Hologram started with the course We must begin again: Asking for help as a new world, in which people from all over the world were invited to meet online to study and practice what it means to ask for help. The course was run in Autumn 2020, following an incubation period and exploratory workshop organised at Furtherfield’s space, as part of Cassie Thornton’s artist residency.

“We believe that destruction is making space for new beginnings and that we have no choice but to begin again. We see asking for help as a way of coming into a new world with humility, curiosity and interdependence with all beings. We want to work together with you to remind ourselves what we have been forced to forget: how to be a cooperative, interdependent species. In this project, the person who articulates their needs and asks for support can take us to a whole new world.”

– from The Hologram course invitation

“We must begin again: Asking for help as a new world” is a six-week Hologram course organised within the CreaTures project (image credit: Cassie Thornton).

In the series of six online course sessions (Sept-October 2020), 26 participants were guided through a process to remember together why and how to ask for support, and how to ensure that our supporters are supported. Together, they experimented with how to organize and value the support they need to survive and thrive in the coming new world: they practiced and discussed the social skills, values, and priorities that are central to The Hologram’s model for collective peer-to-peer healthcare.

  • Each session focused on a particular topic:
  • Trust and questions of Bad Support
  • Atrophy of the Sharing Muscle
  • Failienation
  • Learning to Trust Ourselves Again
  • Wishes and Time

Participants also practiced Social Presencing Theatre and experimented with their first Hologram meeting. The last session was dedicated to building a Hologram Community of Practice. Each person left the course empowered to assemble and participate in their own Hologram group.

Screenshot from the online Hologram course (image credit: Furtherfield).

A CreaTures member joined the course as an embedded researcher and shared autoethnographic logs of their experience throughout, giving The Hologram facilitators an invaluable participants’ perspective. This provided insights into the complex tensions and interplay between personal/individual and shared/collective experiences across the six weeks. Their reflections on the appeal (or otherwise) of certain elements of the experimental practices employed also informed the development of future courses.

The Hologram team offers several courses every year, each shaped to fit common collective needs. Outside of the CreaTures scope, multiple courses took place including, for instance, a series of courses designed especially for healthcare workers or people who identify as men.

The Hologram LARP – We were made for this // 2050 Fugitive Planning

From inside the stillness of global lockdown, The Hologram’s viral healthcare system was used as a parafictional framework (where fiction is presented as fact) of radical planning “for the post-pandemic futures we wanted”. Through participation in this Live Action Role-Play (LARP) over two online events, twelve people made contact with who they would become, individually and collectively, by 2050.

Snapshot from The Hologram LARP (image credit: Furtherfield).

The LARP had two related goals, offering participants an opportunity to:

“ make contact with who we want to become, individually and collectively, by 2050 [and to] see yourself as a powerful and supported being who will survive and thrive the coming emergencies and crises that await us…”.

– Cassie Thornton (2021)

The LARP was intended to provide the next level of learning and transformation through social holography.  In this immersive game, participants played characters based on the most powerful and well-supported version of themselves. They time-travelled 30 years in three weeks to enact their survival and thriving through multiple emergencies and crises. Human systems collapsed and reformed, in the wake of social upheavals borne of entrenched colonialism, racism and environmental crises. Capitalism ended.

The Hologram Community of Practice and Workbook

The Hologram Community of Practice meetings have been organised on a monthly basis via a Telegram channel and run online by community members. Connected to the community is a series of online, facilitated, two hour-long sessions called Minimum Viable Holograms (MVH). In these sessions, one of The Hologram peer-facilitators walks newcomers through the basic ideas of the project to explain how each part of the social holography process works, and how to have transformative and supportive conversations.

Eleven MVH facilitators have been trained so far to support people in their first Hologram session. The community has been collaborating on a full programme of developments and aims to sustain the practice and network beyond 2023, when Cassie Thornton plans to step down as the creative lead of the project. A summary video provides a glimpse into the MVH sessions: 

Minimum Viable Hologram summary video (credit: Cassie Thornton).

The Hologram Workbook (Starter Kit for Anti-Capitalist Futures) was created to provide easy answers to the question: What is The Hologram and how do you use it? This short illustrated manual (translated into 5 different languages) walks incomers through the first steps of starting their Hologram group and is intended as an accompaniment to the support received from another practitioner who is familiar with The Hologram protocol.

The Hologram Film

The Hologram film directed by Thornton and produced and edited by Jonathan Lee, attempts to model the Hologram practice and its use both online and offline. It also reveals the radical proposal underneath the practice, which is that many people can simultaneously create an expanding network of contributors who are healthy and stable enough to survive and thrive through the end of capitalism, and to make new ways of organising human cooperation with what is found in the rubble. The film consists of a simulation of the Hologram protocol performed by people who are a part of the large community of practitioners using The Hologram practice in their life. 

The Hologram film was exhibited at the CreaTures Festival in Seville, Spain (June – July 2022) and at an exhibition, workshop and video launch event at the Cummings Center for the History of Psychology as part of the Cleveland Triennial for Contemporary Art (July 2022).

In the nine months following The Hologram course, numerous events took place. Community members ran two more Hologram courses, eleven people set up their own Holograms, while 35 people joined The Hologram Community of Practice on Telegram and 36 people joined a new, monthly Community of Practice meeting. 40 people also signed-up and participated in Minimum Viable Holograms (MVH) taster sessions that enable people to create their own care clusters. These MVH programmes were developed with a specific focus on diversity. The Hologram also received significant additional funding and support through other social and cultural organisations. A website and community forum were created and populated by networks of The Hologram participants.

The Hologram aims to serve as a robust multidimensional health care network that can outlive capitalism (image credit: Cassie Thornton).
Gaming for the Commons – Commonspoly https://creatures-eu.org/productions/commonspoly/ Sun, 06 Dec 2020 19:36:45 +0000 https://creatures-eu.org/?post_type=productions&p=58 Commonspoly is a non-profit, open-source board game that encourages a culture of cooperation and questions the hegemonic, extractivist model of neoliberal privatisation. The game design principles draw on insights from commoning practices, encouraging players to pool their resources and act collectively rather than competing to accumulate goods. The challenge is to create a society where working together furthers the common good. Commonspoly works as an educational artefact supporting peer-learning and critical discussion about commons by collectively envisioning socio-economic systems based on collaboration, mutuality, and solidarity – rather than exploitation and extractivism. In the long term, the Gaming For The Commons – Commonspoly project aims to build a trans-local community network of stakeholders interested in critical discussion and education related to the topics of commons and socially sustainable economic models.

Commonspoly version 3, a 3D view of the box (image credits: Pep Domenech)

The first prototype of Commonspoly was created at the 17th ZEMOS98 festival in Seville in 2015, during a working session facilitated by Guillermo Zapata and with the participation of Vassilis Chryssos, Francisco Jurado, José Laulhé, Carmen Lozano, Rubén Martínez, Peter Matjašič, María G. Perulero, Virginia Benvenuti, Natxo Rodríguez, Igor Stokfisiewski, Menno Weijs, Carla Boserman and Mario Munera. The group decided to hack the popular board game Monopoly whose design principles prescribe land monopolisation, rent extraction and driving competing players to bankruptcy as a win strategy.

In contrast, Commonspoly invites players to collectively convert private spaces on the game board to public, and eventually into common holdings. It sets up a struggle between a Speculator – player character who wants to privatise everything at all costs – and the rest of the players, whose objective is to take assets into common ownership and fight against capitalist speculation. The game has four types of goods: environmental, urban, intangible or knowledge-based, and health or care-related – and cooperation is the only way to win. Commonspoly enables playful ways to mediate complex questions.

Focusing on urgently needed changes to existing social paradigms, politics and culture in relation to the commons, it celebrates what Adrienne Rich has called radical happiness: those moments of collective joy that bloom when a group of people share a common understanding of what it means to actively and truly participate in society. We can find radical happiness in an assembly, at a protest or at a party. It takes many forms, but there is always a common thread – people coming together and working as a group rather than as isolated individuals. Commonspoly feeds the players’ desire to cooperate and allows for free experimentation, discovery and learning around socio-economic questions that arise in real, everyday life.

Upon the collective creation of the first game prototype, the ZEMOS98 cooperative began coordinating and facilitating the development of the Commonspoly project. To encourage collaborative game development the game was made available for free, as a set of downloadable and editable files. The game is typically played in public sessions at cultural events where it engages diverse local communities, but it can also be purchased or downloaded for free in different languages as print-ready files and played privately.

New game versions created by players are then distributed under the Peer Production License and their creators are listed as authors, while ZEMOS98 stays listed only as the author of the game versions that they developed themselves. This peer-process ensures inclusion of diverse personal experiences of the commons and creates an open space for the development of a distributed authorship of the game. The emphasis on collective authorship is a key part of the Commonspoly project. The openness to ongoing re-negotiation is designed into the game, which then becomes a commoning artefact on its own. Through these playing formats and development strategies, Commonspoly has already reached people in 23 countries and was released in five different iterations and four different languages.

For instance, a Brazilian teacher adapted the game to the local context for her students; a UK-based Esperanto expert made a game translation. ZEMOS98 themselves has developed four game editions so far, with the latest one – the Commonspoly Green Edition – used in the CreaTures project. Initially, the Commonspoly gameplays within the CreaTures context were supposed to take place in-person in Seville, Spain. After the Covid-19 pandemic started, there was no possibility for physical game encounters and ZEMOS98 started experimenting with an online gameplay format (the first online game board prototype was released in June 2022).

To support game dissemination, ZEMOS98 initiated an international Commonspoly Network of socially engaged citizens interested in the game and its philosophy. A multidisciplinary team of social researchers and creatives were appointed as Ambassadors for the Network to support Commonspoly gameplays in various cities and countries.

Within the CreaTures project, ZEMOS98 organised a series of gameplays in cities across Europe to enable broad access to the project for different groups, including the scientific community and members of the public. These gameplays took place in Thessaloniki, Greece (July 2021), facilitated by Irene Kalemaki; in Helsinki, Finland (July and August), facilitated by Oula Rytkönen and Andrew Gryf Paterson; in Italy (September 2021), facilitated by Angela María Osorio Méndez; in Lisbon, Portugal (August and October 2021), facilitated by Sandrine Cristomo; and in Madrid, Spain (November 2021), facilitated by the Rosalia Gutiérrez.

All events were facilitated and thoroughly documented for CreaTures research purposes in order to look into the hidden transformative potential of such creative practices. The research work was led by the following questions:

  • How does the game help players to reflect on commons in real life?
  • How can the game stimulate cooperation?
  • Can the game create new relations and a ‘ripple effect’ that would grow in
  • the long-term, beyond the context of a single gameplay?
  • How does this effect travel through conversations and experiences that
  • people have after a gameplay?
  • What kind of relations does it foster?

The final Spanish gameplay concluded with an intense debate on the difference between public and commons, on the realism of a society of the commons and on the role of the state in the globalised world. The Commonspoly Ambassadors were active throughout the duration of the CreaTures project, collecting data from gameplays, improving facilitation skills, and documenting various game experiences and processes. The Ambassadors Network is still active and new games are being organised beyond the CreaTures context.

Commonspoly at the CreaTures Festival in Seville (image credit: Julio Albarrán).

Aside from the gameplays, the Commonspoly project was showcased at multiple cultural events, including the Gaming for the Commons Festival (online and in Seville, Spain; November 2020), the at FIBER 2021 festival (online; December 2021), and the CreaTures Festival (Seville, June – July 2022).

Commonspoly at the CreaTures Festival in Seville (image credit: Julio Albarrán).
