
Glossary Games @A Bloc



Inviting passers-by to share their ideas on key terms in the CreaTures Glossary.

Creative practices have already shown transformational potential in the area of social and ecological care and sustainability, but they are often fragmented, poorly resourced, and badly understood. One contributing factor is the lack of common language across different domains of knowledge and practice (e.g., members of the public, creative practitioners, and those in various areas across cultural, educational, and public sectors). 

How can we communicate creative practices for transformational futures? What’s messy and possible about the language we use? What are we going to do about it? 

Exploring these questions reflexively is an ongoing part of the CreaTures project. Care-fully balancing the critical with creative, we continue to engage with diverse epistemologies and methods, together with different human and other-than-human beings, for example, through experimental productions, co-creative activities, reflecting on other related works across the world, and conducting our own research and practice. These efforts will culminate with the CreaTures Glossary, a living artefact, ensuring consistency of language to help develop a common discourse around transformational creative practices beyond the CreaTures project.

The interactive Glossary wall is installed in the Baltic Seal Lab, at A bloc (Otaniementie 12, Espoo, Finland).

The wall is always open for new contributions. Come join us and share your visions and perspectives on transformational creative practices!

CreaTures project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870759. The content presented represents the views of the authors, and the European Commission has no liability in respect of the content.