Ciudades Alimentadas (Fed Cities)

by La Plasita

Image of the Ciudades Alimentadas project

La Plasita, since 2009, has been investigating the relationship between cities and food. We try to respond to three main issues: – How to solve the fact that cities are food deserts, – how to transform the food systems that are harmful to our health and to that of the planet, – how to reimagine the relation among the urban and the rural, a dichotomy relation where the cities do not acknowledge the values of the countryside. In this scenario we consider: How is the city we want fed? How to articulate a new form of relationship between the countryside and the city? To put ideas into action we work with the concept of _GASTROSOPHY_. We understand it as: A philosophy of food as Nietzsche claimed in “The Gay Science” (1882); A care theory around food; An analysis methodology for decision making in planning.

We want to include the perspective of food in a holistic way in urban planning and land management. Food sovereignty and a locally based agroecological perspective guide our work with a socio-cultural perspective. We apply ART and UTOPIA as a mechanism for raising awareness and as a lever for direct action to transform the WORLD.


La Plasita
Jaime Gastalver – Poet Urban planner
Lilian Weikert – Landscape mathematician
Pablo Rico – Musician architect
Víctor Ibáñez – Draftsman architect
Pablo Corvillo – Media artist
Victoria Martínez – Dancing architect
Victoria leCorbu – Architecture student