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Festival exhibition & workshops
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The exhibition and workshops are free to attend and taking place at the Real Fábrica de Artillería from Wednesday 29 June to Friday 1 July from 18:00 – 22:00.
The exhibition takes visitors on an immersive journey through a series of twenty-two experimental productions by creative practitioners – these are co-creative spaces with specific forms of artistic knowledge and production for visitors to interact.
Participating projects include:
Workshops include:
Signals from within
Wednesday 29 June | 18:30 – 19:00
During the 15-minute sound performance, the DIY electronic sound instrument will transform the signal from mycelia inside the self-sustainable globes with local plants and fungi, which are the integral parts of ml-iso|la|ti|o|nis|mus art installation. Symbiotic organisms will be connected with electronic devices in a way that allows the technology to be incorporated into an organic circle of information. OctoSens is a multi-sensory interface and digital sound synthesiser. Data on the mycelial conductivity information, which comes from the electrodes inside the mycelial body, will be used to manipulate several aspects of sound. Multiple oscillators produce a low-frequency ‘square’ signal, which will result in an organic-sounding drone that changes the sound texture, but also turns on the synthesiser in chosen interesting rhythms. Led by Taro Knopp, Nastja Ambrožič, Eva Debevc / Production: Kersnikova Institute / OctoSens: Osmo/za, Jakob Grčman

Scan Line Walk
Wednesday 29 June | 19:00 – 19:30
How can we unravel past traumas of a building? Can we collectively change the energy of a space like Artillería? What can we do together for a better future of a cultural-art space? This practice is intended to connect us together in a minimal slow walk through the space of Artillería, bringing our perceptions to a soft and fluid way of confrontation with this rough and dusty building. By connecting our expanded perceptions together in this ‘Scan Line Walk’, we open the opportunity to read and listen to the labour, pains, energetic knots and traumas stored in the history of the building of Artillería. This dusty and majestic place was mostly activated by male energies, where fire, metals and loud sounds were the major elements within its walls. This male energy made beautiful bronze sculptures and bells for institutions but they also made gun cannons and bullets for wars and death. After this golden age the building was abandoned for decades. Abandonment is another male archetype. So with this practice, we propose a collective quiet and soft moment of togetherness, healing, slowness and listening with the aim to accompany the transformation of this space that hosts us and its close future. Led by Roberto Martínez

Getting to know the CreaTures ExPs
Thursday 30 June | 18:15 – 19:30
A lively Pecha Kucha-style introduction of the CreaTures experimental productions (ExPs) delivered by their authors. Contributions by Marketa Dolejsova, Taro Knopp, Sonja Nielsen, Josefina Buschmann, Martyna Miller, Ruth Catlow, Isabel Beavers

The Interspecies Meditation and Sharing Circle
Friday 1 July from 18:30- 19:30
Registration is required for this session – please indicate if you’ll be joining when you register. This meditation can be practiced alone or with others to build empathy pathways to other life forms. Participants use our imaginations and a bonding ritual to enter the body and consciousness of a different species and to reflect on the nature of their existence. This ritual transports us to the interspecies multiverse where we sit for a guided meditation. Groups can follow the meditation with a sharing circle to describe the experiences you have of your new bodies and sentience. By listening to each other participants understand more about their place in the web of life. Led by Ruth Catlow. This meditation was developed and performed by Ruth Catlow and Sarah Friend at the Glitch Community Residency at Château du Feÿ, in France, October 2021. Music is by Matt Catlow. Illustration by Sajan Rai. The bonding ritual was originally created for a multispecies food justice LARP called ‘Now London is a City Farm…’ created by Ruth with Sara Heitlinger, Lara Houston and Alex Taylor as part of the Algorithmic Food Justice research project.