Our Creatures Cristina Ampatzidou, Markéta Dolejšová, Jaz Hee-jeong Choi and Andrea Botero presented their ongoing work in the area of feral creative practice at the Pivot 2021 virtual conference. A short presentation & abstract are available below; rumor has it that a full paper is in the making 😉.
Feral ways of knowing and doing: tools and resources for transformational creative practice
Creative practices have a role in mediating and supporting concrete, meaningful actions towards sustainability transformations. With this in mind: What are the possibilities and limits of the tools and resources that contemporary creative practices are using to reconceive and redesign forms of interaction between different disciplines, audiences and cultures for sustainability transformations? This contribution presents preliminary findings from a transdisciplinary workshop where the participants were invited to share their experiences of designing or using “tools and resources for feral ways of knowing and transformation” within creative practice. While the concept of “feral” remained open to a wide range of different interpretations, participants used the term in two main ways: to foreground embodied, situated, bottom-up, ways of working with organic material and more-than-human issues that require relinquishing control, and; to refer to reappropriating existing tools and processes in ways and for purposes different to the original intentions. We look at the transformational possibilities of these feral tools and resources, and their feral uses in terms of 1) Enabling the shared imagining of sustainability transformations, 2) Proposing concrete actions toward sustainability transformations, and 3) Expanding meanings and feelings.