As a result of the ongoing protest and manifestations against inequality and police violence in Colombia, Colombian student participants are on strike. In our support for their decision and the call for equality and fight against violence, we, the organizers of the workshop are cancelling it. Please see more information below:
- A bit of context: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-56986821
- The Universidad de los Andes student council ig account with info about the strike: https://www.instagram.com/rad.uniandes/
- The Universidad de los Andes student strike ig account: https://www.instagram.com/arqdis_en_paro/
- One of the street interventions designed by the students of Universidad de los Andes on ig: https://www.instagram.com/en_tendedero/

Sprouting from the Feral Creative Practices track, this workshop invites students from creative areas working with socio-ecological themes to share their favorite tangible, digital or imaginary tools that can assist, provoke and advance socio-ecological transformations in troubled times.
Participants will be asked to bring examples of the sets of tools – cards, cookbooks, manifestos, guidelines, and similar – that they are working with and share them with others.
We want to understand what it takes to learn how to design in troubled times while reflecting how transformational creative practices operate in different social contexts and environments.
Interested students (individuals or in groups) should send a one-page proposal with a short statement of interest in the workshop theme, with an example of a tool they want to bring to the discussion. Please send those proposals to andrea.botero@aalto.fi, no later than Thursday 6th May, midnight [Anywhere on Earth].
The workshop is facilitated by Andrea Botero, Jaz hee-jeong Choi and Cristina Ampatzidou from CreaTures, and Leonardo Parra Agudelo, assistant professor in the Design Department, Faculty of Architecture and Design at Universidad de los Andes.
The hands on workshop Learning Feral Ways of Transformation is part of the Feral Creative Practices track at the Uroboros Festival 2021, along with Nocturne Altar Hack: Wild Designs for New Eco-rituals by Isabelle Beavers, Building a vocabulary for change by Amira Hanafi, Cyano Automaton by Agnieszka Pokrywka, More-than-human derive and the workshop Feral ways of knowing and transformation. The festival track will conclude with an open conversation on Feral Creative Practices.
CreaTures project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870759. The content presented represents the views of the authors, and the European Commission has no liability in respect of the content.