What kind of tools and resources do creative practitioners use to situate their practice in the world and make it accessible to others, in generative and engaging ways? Sprouting from the Feral Creative Practices track, this workshop invites creative practitioners working in the area of socio-ecological transformation to share and discuss the resources – cards, cookbooks, manifestos, websites, toolkits and similar – that inform and/or result from their transformational work. These can be tangible, digital or imaginary tools that the practitioners make to help translate the approaches, methods and techniques utilised in their practice so that the practice can be shared and used by others.
In this 2-hour collaborative online session, we hope to gather around the diverse tools and resources brought in by participants and creatively engage with their existing and potential features and meanings – what do these resources do in the world and why? Who can use them and how? How does their use help the practice to grow? What are their limits? Our aim is to develop a better understanding of how transformational creative practices can take place in different social contexts and environments, as the first humble step in supporting a change towards better, more inclusive, nourishing and regenerative futures.

🌱🌱 To participate in the workshop, please send us a one-page proposal including a brief text describing a resource (cards, cookbooks, manifestos, websites, toolkits and similar) that you have used in your creative practice and an accompanying image (optional). Please send this proposal as one pdf to marketa.dolejsova@aalto.fi, no later than Thursday 6th May midnight [Anywhere on Earth].
Practitioners with whom we already confirmed their participation at the workshop include Rachel Clarke, Kit Braybrooke, Iryna Zamuruieva, Leonardo Parra-Agudelo and Špela Petrič 🌱🌱
The workshop is facilitated by CreaTures researchers Markéta Dolejšová, Cristina Ampatzidou, Jaz Hee-jeong Choi & Andrea Botero and is part of the Feral Creative Practices track at the Uroboros Festival 2021, along with Nocturne Altar Hack: Wild Designs for New Eco-rituals by Isabelle Beavers, Cyano Automaton by Agnieszka Pokrywka, More-than-human derive and the Learning Feral Ways of Transformation – hands on workshop. The festival track will conclude with an open conversation on Feral Creative Practices.
CreaTures project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870759. The content presented represents the views of the authors, and the European Commission has no liability in respect of the content.