
Creative resourcefulness for sustainable futures – seminar

Understanding the transformative potential of creative practices for social and ecological sustainability

Online Seminar on 16th September, 10:00-13:00 CEST 🔮

Creative practices hold huge transformational potential in fostering social- ecological sustainability because they are uniquely able to help people explore shifts in basic worldviews and paradigms. However, creative practices tend to be poorly resourced and badly understood in terms of their benefits. Understanding how creative practices achieve their goals by making use of the limited resources at hand can contribute to better assessment of their potential, to help them focus their efforts more effectively, and suggest policy recommendations that account for the merit of creative practices. 

CreaTures and AMASS are organising a joint public seminar that brings together research concerned with mapping resources and processes utilized by creative practitioners already mobilizing ideas for social and ecological sustainability, understanding their limitations and challenges, and demonstrating how they can be optimized, tested and evaluated. 

Meet the Panel:

Joost Vervoort – Associate Professor of Foresight and Anticipatory Governance at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University.

Sofia Lindström Sol– Lecturer and researcher at the Swedish School of Information and Library Science at the University of BorÃ¥s.

Ann Light – Professor of Design & Creative Technology (Engineering and Design) School of Engineering and Informatics, University of Sussex.

Andrea Kárpáti – Professor and Head of the Visual Culture Research Group at the Institute of Communication and Sociology, Corvinus University Budapest.

Ruth Wolstenholme – Managing Director at Sniffer

Raphael Vella – Associate Professor in Art Education at the Faculty of Education, University of Malta


Tuuli Mattelmäki – Associate professor of Design, product service systems at the Department of Design, Aalto University

🪄 Stay tuned for more details!

Creative resourcefulness for sustainable futures is co-organised with the H2020 project Acting on the Margins: Arts as Social Sculpture (AMASS) and is part of the Designs for a Cooler Planet event at the Helsinki Design Week 2021.

The event will be recorded for archiving and research purposes; by joining the session you consent to the recording. Please read the Participation Information Sheet and Privacy Notice. CreaTures project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870759. The content presented represents the views of the authors, and the European Commission has no liability in respect of the content.