Thursday 23 September, 10:00- 13:00 CEST
The workshop will be organized between the CreaTures and AMASS project members to discuss shared work on two connected themes for creative practices and transformation: evaluation and policy engagement. These sister projects offer complementary perspectives: the CreaTures project mostly focuses on these themes from 1) the perspectives of creative practitioners and 2) the perspectives of policy makers and other governing actors. By contrast, the AMASS project focuses more on literatures and research around the impact of creative practices on publics. This complementarity can be made to be highly productive and helpful. We will organize a process that will identify complementary insights and synergies.Â
The online workshop will be facilitated by Dr. Joost Vervoort (Utrecht University) – work package leader on evaluation in the CreaTures project. We will use Miro as a platform. We will start with a mapping exercise of key areas of expertise and challenges between the two projects. This mapping exercise will be done in plenary, followed by the identification of synergistic themes which will be discussed in smaller breakout groups. Reporting back, these groups will discuss their insights and proposed directions for collaborative work with the overall group, so that all present can express their interest in collaborative work, in the form of papers or other outputs.
The workshop is meant for CreaTures and AMASS project members in principle and is a closed session, but those outside these projects with a strong interest in this session can get in touch with the workshop organizers to participate. Please contact Cristina Ampatzidou –
Creative resourcefulness for sustainable futures is co-organised with the H2020 project Acting on the Margins: Arts as Social Sculpture (AMASS) and is part of the Designs for a Cooler Planet event at the Helsinki Design Week 2021.