This workshop invites the first public interaction with the Glossary, a radically open, fluid and changeable, interactive interface for giving meaning to a lexicon of terms related to creative practice and transformational change. Participants will play language-generating and meaning-making games in a relaxed, collaborative online space.

The CreaTures Glossary is a radically open, fluid and changeable, interactive interface for giving meaning to a lexicon of terms related to creative practice and transformational change. It thinks of language as belonging to no one in particular and to everyone at the same time.
Reference works like dictionaries, glossaries, and thesauri usually give an elite group of experts the authority to assign meanings to words, even though language is a dynamic social thing. The CreaTures Glossary meets language where it lives—in social situations. It tries to give users access not just to use words in new ways, but also to be heard and understood while doing so.
This workshop invites the first public interaction with the Glossary that is currently being developed in collaboration with the CreaTures project. Participants will play language-generating and meaning-making games in a relaxed, collaborative online space. It is also a chance to give feedback on the interface, which is under development. Anyone can participate; there are no required skills or experience. Artists, creators, and people who use more than one language are especially encouraged to attend.
To register for the Building a vocabulary for change workshop, visit the event page at the Uroboros 2021 festival website.
The Building a vocabulary for change workshop is part of the Feral Creative Practices track at the Uroboros Festival 2021, along with Nocturne Altar Hack: Wild Designs for New Eco-rituals by Isabelle Beavers, Cyano Automaton by Agnieszka Pokrywka, More-than-human derive and the workshops Feral ways of knowing and transformation and Learning Feral Ways of Transformation – hands on workshop. The festival track will conclude with an open conversation on Feral Creative Practices.
CreaTures project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870759. The content presented represents the views of the authors, and the European Commission has no liability in respect of the content.