
Cristina Ampatzidou at the Media Architecture Biennale



Cristina Ampatzidou will participate at ‘The City Otherwise: Urban Imaginaries in Art and Design’ panel during the Media Architecture Biennale 2020, presenting some insights from the CreaTures ExPs in a presentation titled “What kind of cities do we (want to) play?”.

Taking at its point of departure the assumption that urban imaginaries and, by extension, the public imagination are central to urban politics, the symposium will explore the relations between urban imaginaries and urban futures. Drawing from art and design projects, research and activism, symposium speakers will engage with such issues as the value of urban imaginaries as sites of collective creativity; the functioning of urban imaginaries as boundary objects that bring into dialogue the social sciences, arts and humanities; the usefulness of urban imaginaries as a means to interrogate and problematize the drive to quantify everyday urban life; and the value of urban imaginaries as windows into the political role of art and design.

The panel is organised by Roy Bendor; and includes Maarten Hajer, Ollie Palmer, Tara Karpinski and Cristina Ampatzidou.

For more information and the recording of the session see here.