Prefigurative alternatives – CreaTures Creative Practices For Transformational Futures Wed, 11 Jan 2023 19:01:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 People’s Bank of Govanhill & The Swap Market Wed, 11 Jan 2023 13:13:28 +0000 Context:

Swap Market, Glasgow 2018 image courtesy of Feminist Exchange Network, photograpy by Bob Moyler

The People’s Bank of Govanhill is a long term collaborative project, exploring ways of putting feminist economics into practice in community contexts, collectively ideating radically different economic models beyond capitalism. It is based within the Govanhill area of Glasgow, Scotland’s largest city, and was initiated by visual artist Ailie Rutherford, during a residency with Govanhill Baths Community Trust (a grassroots organisation formed to save the area’s historic public baths).

Transformative creative practice:

The Economy As An Iceberg performance at Tina’s Chippy, Glasgow 2017 image courtesy of Ailie Rutherford, photograpy by Bob Moyler

In 2015, Ailie Rutherford began mapping local networks of exchange in Govanhill, and exploring the potential for community currencies. She took these experiments to the streets, often performing as an iceberg – a visual metaphor for the feminist economy. She talked to local people about all the subsistence and care labour hidden blow the water line, and how this contributes to economic value, too.  

“My practice is often about finding accessible ways to talk about feminist economics, so I did this performance in a chip shop, in a kebab house, on the street, encouraging people to add to the iceberg from their own experience. It’s about valuing the forms of labour and the ways of being that have been deliberately undervalued under capitalism – acknowledging that it’s often feminised labour such as care work that has been systematically devalued.” – Ailie Rutherford, Guest at Gray’s lecture, Feb 2022

The People’s Bank of Govanhill has grown from these early performances and currency experiments to include larger scale collaborations and inter-local projects across the globe, with one foot still very much rooted in the local community.

Swap Market window drawing by Rae-Yen Song image courtesy of Feminist Exchange Network, photography by Najma Abukar

In 2018, Ailie and a team of women opened the Swap Market in a former pawn shop in Govanhill. This was a space to put feminist economics into practice within the local community. Over 1500 residents became members. They used the space to swap goods and skills, and to run music, language and film events. The project reflected Govanhill’s diversity, making space for different cultural backgrounds.

While working on the Swap Market project, the team of women co-organising the space became a more formally constituted women-led collective, the Feminist Exchange Network. This is inclusive of transgender and intersex women as well as non-binary and gender fluid people who are comfortable in a space that centres the experience of women.

Connections to eco-social sustainability:

The People’s Bank and Swap Market projects open up the ‘black box’ of the economy – going beyond the market focus that is so common in the mainstream media. This includes asking questions about planetary heath and the use of the earth’s resources. Feminist perspectives are often holistic, addressing questions of ecological and social wellbeing together. Ailie Rutherford’s practice centres on organising creative and accessible gathering spaces for people to explore these current problems on their own terms, and to create alternative ways of doing things together.

“We work together to build shared spaces, environments and systems that might just allow us to exchange and create in a world that will outlive capitalism… This work is really about connecting with people differently, finding joy together where we can. In a world that is so driven by individualism, competition and greed moments of real connection and collective action seem increasingly important” – Ailie Rutherford Guest at Gray’s lecture, Feb 2022

On learning and evaluation:

Mapping Below the Waterline, Glasgow 2016 image courtesy of Ailie Rutherford, photograpy by Bob Moyler

The People’s Bank and Swap Market projects work prefiguratively – their feminist aims are modelled by the project organisation in the design of all the activities. The rapid growth of the Swap Market led to reflection and further experimentation with modes of feminist governance. Rutherford and her colleagues Carmen Sawers, Caroline Darke and Elisa Bujokova now co-run a Community Interest Company called the Feminist Exchange Network, which also includes 20 associate members.

“What does feminist governance look like? How do we ensure that we don’t fall into the standard hierarchies as we grow? Or when things take us by surprise. It’s quite easy to do things in a way that counters the capitalist model when you’ve got plenty of time to think about it but when things take you by surprise you can more easily fall into those norms.” Ailie Rutherford


“The swap market, it’s such a simple thing – you bring something you take something away. It’s a rule set that allows people to spend time together. It allows people to think critically about something that’s part of their every day…It might be the first time anyone’s ever invited them to question what money is, or to think about the fact that they provide free care. It opens up the space to have different kinds of conversations – people start to question something that so fundamental as money and our relationship with it.” – Ruth Catlow, Furtherfield

Learn More:

People’s Bank and FEN website

Project credits:

Artists and activists who have collaborated with The People’s Bank of Govanhill, Feminist Exchange Network and Swap Market include: Ailie Rutherford, Inga Zaiceva, Calina Toqir, Monster Chetwynd, Rabiya Choudhry, Ellie Harrison, Zara Kitson, Rae-Yen Song, Sibell Barrowclough, Usma Ashraf, Rahela Cirpaci, Altron Hamilton, Alaya Ang, Najma Abukar, Carmen Sawers, Brian Morgan, Nadine Gorency, Katherine MacKinnon, Caroline Darke, Shreya Agarwal, Bettina Nissen, Libby Odai, Chrissie Ardill, Vishwanath Pasumarthi, Foxy, Dania Thomas, Raman Mundair, Elaine Gallagher, Layla-Roxanne Hill, AB Silvera, Sapna Agarwal, Deniz Uster, Magpie, Rumpus Room, Nat Walpole, Bob Moyler, Jean Cameron, Re-Peat, UNA festival, Saoirse Amira Anis, Mandy Roberts, Zineerah Ali, Maria Tolia, Thelma Okey-Adibe, Teresa Feldmann, COCO Collective, Más Arte Más Acción, Colectiva Curuba, Elsa Caucus, Padmini Ray-Marray and Arts Initiative Tokyo. 

The Hologram Wed, 04 Nov 2020 19:27:00 +0000 The Hologram is a mythoreal viral distribution system for non-expert healthcare, practiced from couches around the world. The premise is simple: three people – the ‘Triangle’ – meet on a regular basis, digitally or in person, to focus on the physical, mental and social health of a fourth – the ‘Hologram’. The Hologram, in turn, teaches these listeners how to give and also receive care. When they are ready, the Hologram will support them to each set up their own triangle, and so the system expands.

Three people – the ‘Triangle’ – meet on a regular basis to focus on the physical, mental and social health of a fourth – the ‘Hologram’ (image credit: Cassie Thornton).

This social technology is based on the experimental care models developed in the Social Solidarity Clinics in Greece during the height of the financial and migration crisis. The result of The Hologram process is the construction of a robust multidimensional health network, collectively-oriented social practices, and trust that can outlive capitalism.

The Hologram’s protocol ensures that all caretakers are cared for, and regards properly supporting someone else’s wellbeing as therapeutic in itself. As the racist, capitalist and patriarchal world crumbles around us, participants are invited to design long-lasting systems for support and solidarity that can ensure that our species can outlast the ongoing social, economic and planetary emergencies.

The Hologram social technology for p2p healthcare (image credit: Cassie Thornton).

The project aims to enact a functional system for non-expert healthcare based on mutualistic support and solidarity that works towards a speculative post-capitalist future where peer cooperation is an essential value. It aims to foster people’s personal transformations within small groups through a peer-to-peer health care system and enable the system’s viral proliferation in broader social and geographical contexts.

“We must begin again: Asking for help as a new world” is a six-week Hologram course organised within the CreaTures project (image credit: Cassie Thornton).

Within the CreaTures context, The Hologram started with the course “We must begin again: Asking for help as a new world”, in which people from all over the world were invited to meet online to study and practice what it means to ask for help.

“We believe that destruction is making space for new beginnings and that we have no choice but to begin again. We see asking for help as a way of coming into a new world with humility, curiosity and interdependence with all beings. We want to work together with you to remind ourselves what we have been forced to forget: how to be a cooperative, interdependent species. In this project, the person who articulates their needs and asks for support can take us to a whole new world.”

– from Hologram course invitation

In the series of six online sessions (Sept-October 2020), 26 course participants were guided through a process to remember together why and how to ask for support, and how to ensure that our supporters are supported. Together, they experimented with how to organize and value the support they need to survive and thrive in the coming new world: they practiced and discussed the social skills, values, and priorities that are central to The Hologram’s model for collective peer-to-peer healthcare.

Each session focused on a particular topic. These included: Trust and questions of Bad Support; Atrophy of the Sharing Muscle; Failienation; Learning to Trust Ourselves Again; Wishes and Time. Participants also practiced Social Presencing Theatre and experimented with their first Hologram meeting. The last session was dedicated to building a Hologram Community of Practice. 

Minimum Viable Hologram summary video (credit: Cassie Thornton).

Each person left the course empowered to assemble and participate in their own Hologram. 40 people signed up and participated in Minimum Viable Holograms (MVH) (taster sessions that enable people to create their own care clusters); 11 people are known to have set up their own Holograms; 35 people joined the Hologram Community of Practice. The Hologram is now funded through other social and cultural organisations to run two more courses, to develop and run the MVH programmes with a focus on diversity, and to build a community website.

The Hologram aims to serve as a robust multidimensional health care network that can outlive capitalism (image credit: Cassie Thornton).

 A CreaTures researcher was embedded throughout the process and shared auto-ethnographic logs of their experience throughout, giving the Hologram facilitators an invaluable participants’ perspective. This provided insights into the complex tensions and interplay between personal/individual and shared/collective experiences across the six weeks.

An ongoing conversation surrounds The Hologram about the sensitivities of evaluative processes including data gathering and their potential impacts on the value of the experience and the development of The Hologram project into the future. Connected with this, The Hologram team are in conversation with Public Health England exploring the potential suitability and engagement pathways to offering The Hologram under the NHS social prescribing scheme in the UK. These conversations have reinforced the care as a legitimate subject for experimental co-creation, and the value of co-creative activities as responses to intense pressures on health under the pandemic lockdown, especially the impacts of loneliness on mental and physical health. 

Snapshot from The Hologram LARP (image credit: Furtherfield).

The second phase of the experimental Hologram programme made for CreaTures took the form of a LARP (Live Action Role Play) with course participants titled “We were made for this: 2050 Fugitive Planning” (March – April 2021). The LARP was attended by 12 people and intended to provide the next level of learning and transformation through social holography. It had two related goals, offering participants an opportunity to:

“ make contact with who we want to become, individually and collectively, by 2050 [and to] see yourself as a powerful and supported being who will survive and thrive the coming emergencies and crises that await us…”.

– Cassie Thornton (2021)

Following the Hologram course and LARP, Cassie Thornton directed a short Hologram film that was produced and edited by Jonathan Lee. The film attempts to model the Hologram practice, and its presence and use both online and offline. It also reveals the radical proposal underneath the practice, which is that many people simultaneously create an infinitely expanding network of people who are healthy and stable enough to survive and thrive through the end of capitalism, and to make new ways of organizing human cooperation with what is found in the rubble. The film consists of a simulation of the protocol performed by people who are a part of the large community of practitioners who use and organize The Hologram in their life.

The Hologram: Collective Health as a Really Beautiful Artwork Since 2020 (image credits: Cassie Thornton)