
CreaTures Seminar #2: Baltic Sea Lab meets CreaTures



Julia Lohmann in conversation with Andrea Botero, Markéta Dolejšová and Namkyu Chun

Join us for the second CreaTures & Friends Seminar, this time featuring four creative CreaTures Julia Lohmann, Andrea Botero, Markéta Dolejšová and Namkyu Chun discussing their work in the Baltic Sea Lab.

🌱 Save the date: December 15th, 2020 12:00-13:00 CET / RECORDING BELOW

Participation is open to everyone but registration is required. To join, please fill in your details here and we will email you the link a day ahead of the seminar.

🌊 About Baltic Sea Lab 🌊

The Baltic Sea Lab develops ways and concrete tools to identify and activate local communities to promote sea health. The Lab is realized by Julia Lohmann, Professor of Practice in Contemporary Design at Aalto University, in collaboration with fellow designers, artists and researchers. Many people would like to do more for the well-being of the seas, but cannot find feasible ways to do that. Scientists or authorities, on the other hand, know what should be done, but they might lack enough resources. The Baltic Sea Lab aims to connect these diverse groups through conversations, knowledge exchange and workshops. Besides the award-winning seaweed structure Hidaka Ohmu, the Lab also hosts a number of satellite activities that share similar interests. These activities include the Open Forest by Andrea Botero and Markéta Dolejšová as well as the Fashion Confession to the Sea by Namkyu Chun.

Join us for informal conversation and virtual walkthrough in the Lab!

The seminar will be recorded for archiving and research purposes; by joining the session you consent to the recording. Please read the Participation Information Sheet and Privacy Notice. CreaTures project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870759. The content presented represents the views of the authors, and the European Commission has no liability in respect of the content.