Getting to know the CreaTures ExPs || Thursday 30 June | 18:15 – 19:30
The CreaTures festival in Seville hosted a lively Pecha Kucha-style introduction of the experimental productions (ExPs) that were delivered by their authors.
Contributions by:
- Felipe Gil (Commonspoly)
- Markéta Dolejšová (Open Forest)
- Isabel Beavers (Nocturne)
- Ruth Catlow (The Treaty of Finsbury Park 2025)
- Sonja Nielsen (Sustainable Futures Game)
- Markéta Dolejšová (Experimental Food Design for Sustainable Food Futures)
- Genevieve Rudd (Yarmouth Springs Eternal)
- Michal Mitro (Open Urban Forest)
- Martyna Miller (View from the Window)
- Josefina Buschmann & Daniela Camino (Fallen Clouds)
- Taro Knopp (MyCoBiont)